GoPro Floaty Backdoor 浮力後蓋

特價出清 3折起

編號 AFLTY-003
單價 700 /
使用這種可輕鬆辨認的漂浮後蓋,能夠讓您的 GoPro 攝像機浮在水面上。 兼容性:HERO4、HERO3+、HERO3、HERO、HD HERO2、HD HERO 原始機型 - See more at:
使用這種可輕鬆辨認的漂浮後蓋,能夠讓您的 GoPro 攝像機浮在水面上。 兼容性:HERO4、HERO3+、HERO3、HERO、HD HERO2、HD HERO 原始機型
這種可輕鬆辨認的漂浮後蓋可以直接固定至保護盒後蓋上,從而讓您的 GoPro 攝像機浮在水面上。 非常適用於浮潛、潛水、衝浪、極限水上滑板和任何其他深水運動。隨附兩個在極端條件下用於增強安全性的粘附固定器和攝像機掛帶。


    請注意:Floaty 後蓋無法支撐吸盤固定支架的重量或由固定至 GoPro 攝像機的 BacPac™ 配件產生的額外重量。
  •  Floaty
  • Hero3+/Hero4潛水盒後蓋
  • Hero3標準保護盒後蓋
  • 2 個粘附固定器
  • 2 條攝像機掛帶


About GoPro

GoPro frees people to celebrate the moment, inspiring others to do the same. From cameras and drones to apps and accessories, everything we do is geared to help you capture life as you live it, share the experience and pass on the stoke. We believe that sharing our experiences makes them more meaningful and way more fun.

GoPro was founded in 2002 by Nick Woodman—a surfer, skier and motorsports enthusiast in search of a better way to film himself and his friends surfing. What started with a 35mm camera and a wrist strap made from old wetsuits and plastic scraps has grown into an international company that has sold over 26 million GoPro cameras in more than 100 countries.

But it's the millions of passionate GoPro users around the globe who bring the magic to life. They humble and inspire us every day with incredible creativity that helps us see the world in an all-new way—and fires us up to keep creating the most awesome, innovative products possible.