Airhole Junior Milk Fleece Thermal Set 兒童款抓絨保暖排汗衣褲 - Meow


一組包含 : 底層上衣 + 底層褲子

單價 2,400 /


產品特色 : 

  • 保暖性 + 排汗性 :  作為底層的上衣和下身
  • 雙層彈力抓絨布 : 4 向彈力抓絨貼合身體輪廓,提供最大舒適度
  • 奢華飾面 : 超柔軟抓毛絨提供卓越的手感
  • 面料保暖等級 : 

    Ideal for 0 to −10°C / 32 to 14°F

建議尺寸參考 :


Since 2006 Airhole has continued to develop and lead the facemask industry

with technical fabrics, tailored fits and the best graphics. Our mission: to defend adventurers from the elements.



Tired of the lack of technical face protection available and facing severe weather in the backcountry, Canadian professional snowboarders Chris Brown and Kale Stephens knew there had to be a better way of dealing with a wet mask from heavy breathing and extreme conditions.

Taking to Kale's grandma's old sewing machine, they re-purposed discarded outerwear jackets, cutting them into different shapes, sizes and fits to find the perfect mask. The result was the patented Airhole Breath Hole built into ergonomically shapes masks made from technical fabrics.


The Airhole is standard on all of our masks and is designed to allow breath to escape freely, avoiding the build up of condensation to keep you dry, warm and your goggles fog free. Stay out there longer.


Living and working in Vancouver, British Columbia, we sit at the gateway to some of the most beautiful and challenging terrain on earth. The Coast Mountains are our backyard and where we test all of our products. We design by doing and our surroundings are what enables us to develop the most technical face protection in the world.