Demon Snow Lightning Universal Temp Wax 雪板蠟

專為任何雪溫設計。 一款物超所值的全能溫度蠟。 熔點135F - 150F。

編號 DS7040AST
單價 350 /


產品介紹 : 

  • 133克 (gram) 。
  • 在所有雪況和溫度下使用。
  • 蠟塊不含 PFA 或 PFAS。
  • 美國製造。


About Demon United


Born out of the Rocky Mountains in Salt Lake City Utah, Demon was founded in 1999.

Starting with a single product and a vision to create the greatest protective gear and accessory company, two brothers set off on a journey of design and testing.

20 years later we find ourselves still based out of Salt Lake City, our product range has grown to 150 products and the brand of Demon can be found in any country where the snow falls. We are devoted to the action sports athletes world wide and strive to create the best value X sports protective gear and accessories available.