Girl Phillips Longneck 1" 螺絲

編號 GA20031-AST
單價 250 /



Girl Skateboards 是一個知名的滑板品牌,成立於1993年。

這個品牌的創始人包括Rick Howard和Mike Carroll等著名滑板手。

Girl Skateboards以其獨特的風格和創新的設計聞名於滑板界。

Girl Skateboards以女孩為主題,並致力於推廣女性滑板文化。


Girl Skateboards的產品設計常常充滿藝術感和獨特的圖案,吸引了許多滑板愛好者和藝術品味者。

除了Girl Skateboards品牌本身,他們還擁有其他相關品牌,

如Chocolate Skateboards和Royal Trucks,這些品牌也在滑板界享有盛譽。

Girl Skateboards在過去幾十年裡對於推廣滑板文化和提升女性在滑板界的地位做出了重要貢獻


Girl Skateboards以其豐富的滑板遺產和獨特的風格,成為了全球滑板界的重要品牌之一。

無論是專業滑板手還是業餘愛好者,都對Girl Skateboards充滿了熱愛和追捧。



Girl Skateboards History

Girl Skateboards is one of the original California based skateboards companys. They were founded in August of 1993 in Torrance, California by professional skateboarders Rick Howard, Mike Carrol, Megan Baltimore, and Spike Jonze. The company started out as a company that only created professional quality skateboard decks but has since expanded to offering complete skateboards, wheels, bearings, clothing, and even producing skateboarding films and media. The Girl Skateboarding team saw a lack of professional quality skateboard decks during the early 1990’s and decided to maniufacture their own.

Within a few years they began to grow at a tremendous rate as experience skaters and professional skaters realized that the quality of their decks were significantly higher than many of the other brands on the market during that time. Girl Skateboards began sponsoring professional skaters and sponsoring pro events in order to grow their customer base. As the brand began to grow, they began selling many different skateboard sizes and expanded into different product offerings such as complete skateboards, skateboard wheels, trucks, bearings, and eventually into skateboard clothing.

The Girl Skateboard team has grown into one of the most popular and well respected skateboard brands on the market and they show no signs of slowing down. They work with the Girl Distribution network which included other skateboard brands such as Chocolate Skateboards, Royal Trucks, Lakai Footwear, and other brands to sell their products all across the world.


Girl Skateboards Products

Girl Skateboards started their company by only selling professional skateboard decks but have since expanded to selling nearly every type of skateboarding equipment. They have also expanded into the beginner skateboarding scene by creating more affordable complete skateboards that are good for beginners but they still prioritize creating high quality professional skateboards for their team of sponsored skaters. We absolutely love their skateboard decks and can confirm that they are some of the high quality decks that we have ever skated. The decks are incredibly durable and provide a great sense of balance and control while skating. If you are an experience skater, professional skater, or even beginner skater then we highly recommend you check on Girl Skateboards. During our Girl Skateboards review we were blown away with the quality of their skateboards.


Is Girl Skateboards Good For Beginners?

Girl Skateboards started out by only creating skateboards for professional skaters but they have since expanded into the beginner skateboarding scene. They want to provide high quality products to every skateboarder no matter what their skill level is. We believe Girl Skateboards are great for beginner because they provide a stable and smooth ride and they are incredibly durable. Beginners will typically damage their boards as they learn how to ride and learn their first few tricks but Girl Skateboards are durable. They will withstand even the harshest of punishments.


Girl Skateboards Influence On The Skateboarding Industry

Girl Skateboard has had a significant impact on the skateboarding industry. Their primary influence has been on the professional skateboarding scene because they have sponsored numerous pro skaters over the years. They have also hosted and sponsored multiple professional skateboarding tournaments and events. They strive to create high quality professional grade skateboarding equipment and help to grow the sport as a whole. Another way that Girl Skateboards has influenced the skateboarding industry is by creating multiple high quality skateboard films and media. They have specialized in their videography ever since being creating in 1993. They have created a handful of featured films such as Goldfish (1994), Yeah Right! (2003), Beauty and the Beast (2008), and more!


Pros Who Skate For Girl Skateboards

Over the years Girl Skateboards has sponsored dozens of professional skaters. Below are a few of the most notable current professional skaters who skate for Girl Skateboards as well as a few of the notable past skaters for Girl.



Current Pro Skaters For Girl Skateboards:

  • Brandon Biebel
  • Cory Kennedy
  • Mike Mo Capaldi
  • Mike Carroll
  • Rick Howard
  • Sean Malto
  • Guy Marlano
  • And More!


Notable Past Pros Who Skated For Girl Skateboards:

  • Paul “P-Rod” Rodriguez
  • Colin McKay
  • Jereme Rogers
  • Rudy Johnson
  • Tim Gavin
  • And More!


Girl Skateboards Review Conclusion

Girl Skateboards is one of the most popular skateboard brands in the world. They are known for creating incredibly high quality skateboards and for their influence on the professional skateboard scene. They have expanded into the beginner skateboard scene and we absolutely love their products. We highly recommend you give their products a chance! For more informational content we recommend you read our most recent skateboard blog articles.