Volcom Arthur Gore-Tex Pro 3L Proshell Jacket 滑雪外套 - Moss


Arthur Longo 是這項滑雪運動中最熟練的騎手之一。
我們與 Arthur 精心合作,開發出符合他多才多藝風格的標誌性系列。 我們並不是說如果您穿上這件外套,您就會擁有像他一樣的技術,但您至少可以擁有像他一樣的外觀風格,並且您將獲得該系列中技術最先進的滑雪外套的所有花哨功能。
這款 Gore-Tex 3 層專業外殼保證讓您保持乾爽,同時具有豐富的功能性 - 這一切都在這款 Arthur 夾克中。

編號 G0652416MOS
單價 23,200 /


產品特色 : 

  • GORE-TEX Guaranteed 讓您保持乾爽

  • GORE-TEX® PRO 3 層布料 

  • 全壓膠接縫處理

  • 標準版型 ( Standard Fit )

  • Zip Tech® Pant to Jacket 雪衣褲連接專利系統

  • YKK® AquaGuard® 防水拉鍊

  • 可拆卸風帽造型

  • 鬆緊束帶風帽設計

  • 調節式遮光帽簷

  • 風帽側部雪鏡夾

  • 舒適麂皮口水布

  • 網狀襯裡拉鍊透氣孔

  • 內部護目鏡口袋

  • 萊卡袖口

  • 可拆卸式彈性可調雪裙

  • 可調式魔鬼氈袖口

  • 可調式下擺束帶

  • 編織襯裡口袋

  • 可掛票卡夾的圓環

  • 口哨式功能拉鍊

  • 與運動員 Arthur Longo 合作設計









尺寸建議 :  ( 建議可以選擇較小尺寸 )



  • 雪衣褲的板型,相較一般戶外機能性外套更加寬大寬鬆,如無經驗者,建議實際試穿為主。
  • 測量尺寸時,請將中層衣物、防摔護具衣物空間一併計算進去做測量。
  • 試穿時如褲長、袖長有過長跡象,則無需在意 (都能夠調整)。
  • 雪衣褲以方便活動為最大宗旨,尺寸怕緊不怕鬆 (Oversize風格)。
  • 更多詳細的挑選雪衣褲尺寸指南,請至官網Blog網誌了解。




Volcom來自美國加州,創立於1991年,集滑板、滑雪、衝浪、音樂、藝術於一身的極限運動品牌,打造出舒適又具潮流感的服飾及配件。利用音樂、藝術傳達叛逆、創新、不羈的生活態度,挑戰別人眼中的不可能。 隨處可見的鑽石Logo,體現了年輕人跳脫傳統,展現自由、創新、實驗的精神, 一種帶有創意的勇氣去挑戰旁人眼中的不可能,並擁抱新鮮事物,永遠追求那欣喜若狂的快感。





Richard Woolcott and Tucker Hall, set off on a snowboard trip that would forever change their lives. Tucker had just been laid off from work but that wouldn’t stop him from attending his routine Tahoe trip to visit Nathan Fletcher and Mark Gabriel. After riding four days of fresh powder, Richard called work with the excuse that they were snowed in and extended his stay. For more than a week, they awoke every morning with two new feet of snow. It was their first real experience riding powder and the new obsession wouldn't stop there.


Two weeks later Richard quit his job to take some time off and snowboard. He and Tucker had also talked of starting a clothing company during the Tahoe trip but nothing was really finalized. Later that spring, the two came up with the idea of starting a riding company based around the three sports they enjoyed (snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing). With an initial $5,000 from Richard's dad, they started the process. First came the name, then came the stone and Volcom was born.


Volcom was a family of people not willing to accept the establishment suppressing their passion for boardsports. This was a time when snowboarding and skateboarding was looked down upon and the U.S. was in a recession with riots in Los Angeles and the Gulf War breaking out. Much like today, change was in the air.


Richard and Tucker traveled around the world on wild journeys with friends riding whatever they could. The business side of things was minimal. The headquarters were set up in Newport Beach in Richard's bedroom and all sales were run out of Tucker's bedroom in Huntington Beach. The two knew nothing about how to make clothes, but that didn't matter, it was all about spirit and creativity. Clothing sales for the first year were $2,600.


Since those wild beginnings, the Volcom Stone has spread slowly across the world. The company has matured internally, but the same philosophy and ethos that spawned the brand continues to fuel the Volcom thinking that flows through its art, music, films, athletes and clothing today.