Lib Tech Logo Tee 短袖T恤

過季服飾 7 折起
特價出清 3折起
※有多重優惠! 為最佳優惠方案,優惠恕不併用※

編號 18AP012
單價 1,180 /
The Logo Tee from Lib Tech is made out of a comfort cotton polyester blend fabric and features a classic Lib Tech logo on the front.
50% cotton, 50% polyester




Lib Tech online shop at Sport Conrad



Lib Tech 


Lib Tech 當家選手 Travis Rice 的地位與成就是被其他職業選手視為指標對資深雪友來說 講到 牛排刀科技 Travis Rice 馬上就有強列印象但很多人卻查不出 Lib Tech Lib 代表什麼? 甚至整個品牌像是一家電腦公司.

因為這是創辦人 Mike Olson 無俚頭的幽默風格, Lib Tech 同時是一家滑板公司, 由於一次生產滑板的實驗, 無意間生出了金亮的顏色,  聯想到一位豪奢誇張著稱的鋼琴家 利伯拉契 Liberace, 就決定取用前三個字母 Lib 加上科技 Techonology 縮寫為 Lib Tech.

雖然愛搞笑, 科技卻是獨步業界, 牛排刀的專利設計被譽為是革命性的的產品, 圖案的風格也一直維持跟許多新銳藝術家合作的傳統. 且 Lib Tech 是少數僅存的美國產地品牌.



Lib Tech is a collective of creative board sports dreamers who have eliminated any barriers between us and actualizing the dream. A lot more than the obvious goes into every board we build. The belief that anything is possible. The experience to know what works. The enthusiasm and determination to make it happen.  Highly skilled, magical, hands-on ripper kraftsmen. The world’s best athletes and terrain. Dynamic, multi-medium snowboarder artists. The most exotic, high performance, environmentally friendly materials. The safest, most efficient, environmentally friendly process. Maximized material yields, recycling and repurposing. Zero Hazardous waste. We do it all ourselves because we  love it and nobody does it better. The world’s best boards… dream boards.





